Inductive Automation retargeting feature globalizes FactoryPMI web launched SCADA system
Released on = November 8, 2006, 4:21 pm
Press Release Author = Inductive Automation
Industry = Industrial
Press Release Summary = SACRAMENTO, November 2006 - FactoryPMI Retargeting paves way for global SCADA system by allowing seamless project launching between servers in their Java based web launced client.
Press Release Body = SACRAMENTO, November 2006 - Inductive Automation announces retargeting feature, enabling an architectural hierarchy of servers for their web launched their web-launched SCADA package, FactoryPMI. \"Retargeting\" allows users to seamlessly launch projects from any server on the network in any client. Real time and historical data of any location becomes just a click away for managers and owners. Developers can easily pass parameters between applications, seamlessly integrating an entire enterprise\'s control and monitoring system by eliminating isolated \"islands\". Authentication sessions are maintained during a retarget, allowing users to jump to any screen on any application that they have permission to access without needing to log in again.
Inductive Automation is the innovative leader in web-deployed industrial control applications.
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Contact Details = Main: (800) 266-7798 Fax: (916) 438-1808 2110 21st Street, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95818
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